A short film created entirely in isolation by writer and directer Nick Riley Bentham. Starring Olivia Weeden.
What is life in isolation really like when you are not a creative type, when your life is based around your social engagements, your office job usually dictates your schedule.
5 weeks into New York State’s ‘remain in place’ self isolation orders and the world is talking about Tigers, Gov Cuomo is sex symbol, turns out the girls from brunch are gourmet chefs, Kate in accounting is a techno DJ and people are dancing in their pyjamas or doing Yoga classes at home. From the looks of social media everyone is safe and happy and nobody is lonely.
It’s now we meet a woman living alone in the trendy Brooklyn neighbourhood of Williamsburg. The guy she was hooking up in January, hasn’t text back in 3 weeks. Her mother doesn’t think she is safe in New York and she is one bad zoom connection away from loosing that safe full time salary job with medical and benefits. The walls are closing in and keeping up appearances is a full time occupation.
From the original concept, to the final draft of the script, filming, editing and finishing this short was made entirely in isolation with limited equipment and no budget. Nick Riley Bentham worked with his fiancée Olivia Weeden to craft a story that could take place entirely within their Brooklyn apartment. The two began talking about ideas of isolation and effects it was having on them, together they crafted a story and wrote a first draft of the script. The script felt personal to both Olivia and Nick and they decided to try to create a few short scenes that documented this moment in time without feeling like a documentary. Olivia, a fashion editor, who had never acted before, drew from her personal experiences and real life to help guide the script through improvisation. Nick, a photographer and director, returned to his childhood roots of making short skate films with friends and took control of the camera and audio as well as editing the piece.
written and directed by Nick Riley Bentham
starring Olivia Weeden